Meeting a Roman

Friday, March 2, 2012


  1. Can everyone on this Blog list 10 things in Rome that they would like to see or do?

  2. It is hard to come up with 10 things when everything on the syllabus sounds amazing. I came up with 6 additional things I have thought of so far:

    -National Gallery of Modern Art
    -Efigy of Santa Cecilia by Maderno
    -Palazzo Corsini (and all the art there)
    -Villa Borghese
    -Walking tour of the artist's district

    At this point you can probably see a recurring theme ... art! :)

    The other thing I want to see is the Mediterranean. I would love to see the beach or at least the sea.

    1. A Blog/Journal entry on the Coliseum.

      The Coliseum was digitally restored in the movie "Gladiator",so today the real thing is considered a sort of relic. To the ancient Romans though it was a place of popular entertainment, which the Flavian Emperors built for the ordinary people of Rome between 72 and 80 ACE. It was the place of gladiatorial fights and beast hunts staged for the glorification of the Emperor.

      Unscrupulous Emperors like Commodus used the popularity of Coliseum display for their own glory. Commodus in fact fought in the Coliseum: an act that scandalized even the callous Romans. He participated in his own staged animal hunts, lopping off the heads of ostriches and waving them before the startled crown of Roman senators. But contrary to Hollywood's depiction he did not die in the Coliseum. A popular wrestler strangled him in his bath.

  3. I would really like to visit any colleges. I think it would give us a different and newer layer of what Rome is today. Plus, I'd get to see if that is where I will spend a full semester when I study abroad. Aside from the college(s), I think the best way to get to know a place is through it's food and it's people so wherever there is both. Lastly, we MUST explore the Vatican's museum.
